
I love you honey the only thing that concerns me is that I lost a bet and although qreas that's a lie I love you I hope someday you can forgive me it was not my intension Bier damage to this, but better than you found by me that by others and not me that went something enzeeriiO yours!! :(

PorfavOr perdOnaaameee AMOR I l♥ve pliizz R♥driiG♥ me ziienthO Bn a Tuu LaadO amOr ReGrezaaa..!!! Ü

pliizzz PerdOn...! zperO me perdOnezz Jeee YY´quandO veazz ezztO aqii zperO me RezpOndazzz! qOn aaLwO qOn lo Q m ziientaa Biieen! zolO Rquerdaa q I lOveee ♥

Tu YY´ iiO Jeeee!!

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010


He was born  in 384 aC.
estagira en el norte de la grecia actual
He lived in Asia Menor .
He was filosofo.
He died in Calcis, (322) aC.

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